60-Day Coaching Plan





  •  You are the best person to understand the importance of your concerns, so define your problems and expected outcome clearly.
  • Be true to yourself and your coach at the same time while sharing necessary information related to your problems.
  • Trust is key and your cooperation essential during our Goal Setting process.
  • Be sincere and committed to your assignments and worksheets.
  • Your commitment towards your transformation is your priority.
  • In order to reach your desired goal your determination will be tested, I am here to support you all the way through.
  • Remember it s a journey we’ll have to walk together till we reach the end.
  • Time is a finite resource, do not waste yours and do not waste mine.


  • All the necessary information shared by you during the entire process will be treated as confidential and will not be share by your coach with anyone.
  • These sessions are not to provide mental health diagnosis, treat any mental health conditions or provide therapy.

Areas of Focus

  • Improve productivity and focus
  • Improve time management, Stress management
  • Improve self-confidence and self-esteem
  • Improve communication skills for business and personal relationships
  • Help with life transitions


  • Suggesting minimum of (4) sessions
  • Stable internet connect
  • Quiet place to conduct session


  • 4 (60 min) sessions
  • Free e-book
  • Weekly plans/goal tracking
  • Access to exclusive meditative content by me
  • FSET assessment


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